Buy your server one mailbox at a time

Too small to host your own Microsoft Exchange server but fed up with POP mailboxes? Never fear: at Firstlinewe are now offering Microsoft Exchange online to customers on a mailbox-by-mailbox basis. This is a hosted business email service that allows you to access your...

Spam, spam, and more spam: it’s up to you to check

SPAM… emails you don’t want and haven’t signed up for. They’ll always be with us in huge volumes. But how do you make sure you get all the emails you want and none of the ones you don’t want? The most common approach is to use spam management tools such as Sophos...

Are you addicted to emails?

All the businesses we work with tell us they are totally dependent upon their emails. That it’s super-critical their emails never stop because they can lose business. With the current technology available it’s possible not to have to suffer any interruptions in your...

What happens if your email stops working?

It’s unlikely of course, but it can happen. Like any other kind of complicated technology, internet connections and email servers can, as we know, have problems from time to time. And if either of them do go down, you won’t be able to send or receive emails until...