Why web developers Biff Bang Pow recommend First Line’s Microsoft Exchange service to their clients
Web development company, Biff Bang Pow, were introduced to Firstline IT’s Microsoft Exchange Online service after it became apparent they needed external email support services to offer to their clients.
Since they established the company, they have been offering their clients a free email hosting service. However, this became impossible as they began taking on bigger clients.
Coincidentally, BBP got in touch with John Crozier just as Firstlinewas beginning to invite proposals for their new website build. Biff Bang Pow turned out to be a perfect fit!
This is why website developer Biff Bang Pow made the big decision to stop hosting its own clients’ email, and recommended that they moved to First Line’s Microsoft Exchange Online service instead.
So the companies have been working together in the roles of both supplier and client. David Burke, Managing Director of Biff Bang Pow thinks that Firstline IT got the slightly rougher end of the deal: They had to talk a lot of new clients through the Microsoft Exchange Online service. “We had nearly 170 email clients to migrate”, he explainss.